Thursday, September 4, 2008

Non-Christian worldviews

Yesterday we talked about many non-Christian worldview's.  The focus of this blog will be on the philosophy of evolution theory, worldview, and possible conclusions of these beliefs.  Be specific!  Use biblical references to back up your answers.  50 points

1.  What is the current state of our world today?(25 word minimum)

2.  According to the philosophy theory are we headed towards perfection as a race?(25 word minimum)

3.  Define worldview.  (25 word minimum)

4.  Describe possible conclusions that can result from evolutionary worldviews.  (25 word minimum)


iT's DeStInY! said...

1.The current state of our world today is that we are not ptogressing but digressing. And tha more people are learning evolution every day than the real truth.
2.No, i do not think we are headed to perfection in our race because we still have people going around believing we came from monkeys.
3.Worldview is the overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world or Aacollection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.

4.Results in believing in evolution is:
a. Man is not responsible to God.
b. Man no longer needs a Savior.
c. Man is highly evolved animal
d. Man's religion should be scientism

mitchel kowis said...

1)The currant state of our world today is I believe that we are decreasing in knowledge and according to science every generation is decreasing in the cells to zap some information as a backfire.
2)No we aren't because even though we are advancing into more technological advances, there are still people(a lot of the world today) that are backtracking from God.
3)Worldview is the view of the world as it is today. there are buddists, alah worshipers, evolutionists,etc... what is there opinion about God? What do they think there purpose is in their own life?
4)Evolutionary world views like the big bang theory are made by people who's job is basically to disobey God. Like a little boy disrepects his dad. These people have nothing better to do than to site arond and think about the possible answers on to how the earth was made and theories like the big bang theory, people wonder why the world ended up to be so perfectly in place and they use a lot of numbers and it turns out like a resonable explanation. People have nothing better to do but disrespect someone.

emmydean said...

1)The current state of our world today is that we are definitely not heading towards perfection.We are progressing in some things and are becoming more advanced but all together as the human race we are probably declining.
2)We are not headed towards the area of perfection at all. The philosophy theory has not yet been proven and it never will be proven. We need to believe in what the Bible says about our world and its end.
3)World View is a philosophy or conception of our world today. It looks at our world in a deeper way and makes us have an understanding of it. Not all worldviews are necessarily good though and that is why we all need to focus on the Christian worldview. The Christian worldview is the truth and reality and we cannot get caught up in the lies of our world today.
4)Possible conclusions that can result are that we need no God. If we need no God than there is no one to sin against. There is no such thing as salvation any more either.

Tessa McQuillan said...
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Will said...

1.) Our world today is currently on a decline. Peoples morals are starting to change for the worst and animals are starting to die off, the planets climate is changing and storms are getting more violent.

2.) according to the philosophy theory of evolution we are progressing towards a future perfection we are not there yet but we are slowly progressing towards perfection due to adapting to our enviroment.

3.) worldview is the way you view the world and your beliefs and ideals. Everybody has a different worldview. Some people have Christian worldview and some have a non-Christian worldview.

4.) The possible conclusions are that people will believe there is no God so they will not feel responsible to God or his laws only to earthly laws. It could also lead to people not believing in a need to be saved because they will not believe in God.

Annabelle said...

1.the current state of our world today is pretty messed up. We are a very messed up people. We have so many different beliefs that its all just one big mess. There are problems with the economy, we have constant arguments over how and when the world was created and how we got here. All in all, its just on huge conflict between the Christians and the world.

2.Yes, it suggests that all things are progressing toward perfection and that things are currently improving. Its sorta a way to look at things in a good way. But i think its better that u look at things the way they are rather than just pretending like the problem isnt there.

3.Worldview is the frame of reference that a person uses to interpret and understand the world around him. Its there opinion on life and how it should work and how it accually functions around him.

4.If we don't take a Christian worldview on things than a few possible thing will happen: We will get the idea that man is not responsible to God, also that man no longer needs a savior, or that man is a highly evolved animal or that the religion should be scientism. These are not grarentees to happen to you if you dont take a Christian worldview but if you dont fall into one of these than you bound to find trouble somewhere.

rene said...

#1.) the current state of our world today i think has progressesd because of how i used to be that we have all of the crazy conclusions on how the earth was made but now that we have better technology we have ben able to prove alot of those theories wrong.
#2.) yes i think that we are headed trowds perfection as a race because like question number one we have better technology to show people that evolution is not true. because now we have grown more as a race because we have been able to prove people wrong even though there are still crazy things on how the earth was made out there there are stilles than there were before.
#3.) worldview is A world view is a person's fundamental image of the world -- one's set of core beliefs about how his or her social environment is put
i agree with the deffinin=tion of world view it is someone perspective one how the earth is and all the thing that are going on in the world today. i think it gives us something to think abut when people give there world views because it might change your view on the wolrd by what someone else has said or it might bring up something you never really thought about before.
#4.) conclusions that can result from evolutionary worldviews are that it might lead some people to believe in evolution or it may change someone against evolution because it might be to crazy for them to believe. some people can draw some other conclusions from worldviews are that you can fall into evolution because peole think that they can "prove" that something had happened and people might fall into it because there is proof right in front of them.

Tessa McQuillan said...

1. The current state of our world today is not looking so great. We are in an economy wreck that isnt getting any better very fast, and we are not handling our world very well concerning the environment.
2. No i do not think that we are headed towards perfection. We may be progressing in technology, but as a society we are growing farther and farther from God and his teachings.
3. A worldview is the frame of reference that a person uses to interpret and understand the world around them. It is someones own opinion on the world and all of the things that happen and are going on in it.
4. One possible conclusion is that man will no longer need a savior. If man does not think that there is no wright and wrong so nobody can sin, with no God to sin against, there will be no punishment and no need for a savior.
There is also, Man is not responsible to God, if man evolved there is no creator and he is not responsible to any god that u would have to not sin against, and there would be no absolute right and wrong.

Colleen said...

1. the current state of our world today is that most of the world, besides Christians believe in evolution and things like the Big Bang theory.

2.The Philosophy theory suggest that all things are headed towards perfection and that right now we are currently improving. so its just not the human race, its everything that exists.

3.Worldview is the conception of the world or the frame of reference that a person uses to understand and comprehend the world around you or anyone else.

4.The results from believing the evolutionary worldview are: (1) Man believ that they are not responsible to God which means that when they believe that man is a product of evolutionary chance then he has no creator nd therefore is not responsible to any god. (2)Man no longer needs a savior which means that if there is no right or wrong then there is no sin and no God to sin against. (3) Man is a highly evolved animal and as evolution implies there is no God and since there is no God then no one can say that man is any different than an animal.

Tyler said...
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sabrina Barakat said...

. What is the current state of our world today?(25 word minimum) To evolution we are headed toward perfection, however if we study it more we can see that our world is actually getting worse. Evolutionist say that we are doing so much better than the past. I do not believe this, because our world is a lot more polluted. Do not get me wrong their are eras that we are doing better, but their are also eras that did better than we are right now.

2. According to the philosophy theory are we headed towards perfection as a race?(25 word minimum) According to the philosophy theory we are headed toward a race of perfection and that things are currently progressing. This belief helps evolutionist justify his mission in science. Gods view is completely different then this.

3. Define worldview. (25 word minimum)
Worldview is the frame of reference that a person uses to interpret and understand the world around him. Every person has a different worldview and it depends on what you believe in.

4. Describe possible conclusions that can result from evolutionary worldviews. (25 word minimum)
Man is not responsible to God- If you believe in evolution then you believe you have no creator. Without God man is responsible to no one.

Man is a highly evolved animal- If this was true why are we not still evolving from animals? This theory states that we evolve from animals.

Tyler said...

1. In current society we are not taking as much care of our earth today as we did in bible time and our earths health is going down.

2. Other people do think that we are getting better and better towards perfection, but i think that we are the farthest thing from perfection and that we are getting dumber.

3. A world view is the belief system that one uses to interpret and understand the world around him. I think that it is someones belief on how are earth is today.

4. There are quite a few conclusions on how an evolutionary world view results as. Man is not responsible to God, man no longer needs a savior, and man is a highly evolved animal.

Michelley:)! said...

1. The current state of our world today is that everything is changing and there is less things in it and things good are going to bad and really I dont think we care about the earth as others say. But life can change us in totally different perspective.
2. Yes we are headed as perfection toward the race because the evolutionist think we are improving in mans knowledge and in human society. There are things that can get better and things that can not.
3.Worldview is the frame of reference that a person uses to interept and understand the world around him. and how we people see the world as it is, and know who created it and know He is watching us from above.
4.As the evolutionary worldviews conclusion is that they have many theorys to believe like The theory of cosmological beginnings that describes on how Man's view of the universe, and Also The Theory of bilogical describes on how the organisms rise as a complex and rise, The Theory of evolution describes on how they think the future is progress and how it is improving!

AlYsSa! said...

1. The current state of our world today is that people think that evolution is the way of the world because more and more people are learning about evolution other than the truth of the bible and Christianity.
2. No, we are not headed toward perfection as a race because everybody wants to do things their own way. A lot of people think that their way is right and want nothing to do with the opposite side. They all have one mind set and a lot of people wont listen to what the opposing side has to say. We are not progressing we are doing the exact opposite.
3. Worldview is an overall perspective of each persons individual opinion on how they see the world and their belief system on what the world events going on.
4. Conclusions from believing in evolution is that their is no need for God or anything that has to do with him. If thats the case than people can never get saved and live a new Christain life. Another conclusion is that man no longer needs a Saviour. if there is no right and wrong and there forth no sin and no God to sin against, there must be no punishment and no need to be saved from it

jordan clarke said...

1.The current state of our world is- many people are not knowing what to believe but at the same they are not trying to better themselves and we are not allowing ourself to help other people.
2.No, people are still believing that we evolved from apes and we are still allowing ourselves to believe in evolution when we know what the real truth is. Define World View- i think it is a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. meaning that we have an opinion on something like a religion or a belief that we do or do not believe in.
4.Evolutionary worldviews are like we evolved from apes and God did not creat us and things like we dont kneed a savior.

4evrsnowboarderabby said...

1.Half of the world believes that God isnt real and their trying to take God out of everything. The other half believes in God and wants Him to be in the world.

2.Not as a race but we are currently improving little by little. We arent really going towards perfection because theirs a lot of bad things going on in the world. In my oppion if Obama wins then we really not going to get perfection we are but in a bad way.

3.Worldview is the frame of reference that a person uses to interpret and understand the world around him.

4.It has major components like Theory of cosmological, Thoery of biological, and Philosophy of ecalution.

courtney khal said...

1. The current state of our world today is not as good as it used to be, I believe we are going downhill. I believe technology is not helping our world today, it makes it so that people don't have to think for themselves anymore, they can just have their computer do the thinking for them.
2. According to the philosophy theory we are progressing to a future of perfection, and that things are currently improving. They use things like the "improvement in man's knowledge and in human society".
3. A worldview is what someone thinks about what's going on in today's society. It is someone's perspective on current events like the war in Iraq, gay marriage, global warming, and at this point in time politics, especially with the election going on right now, that has a big part in someone's worldview.
4. It can result in believing that man is not responsible to God, man is no longer needs a savior, ma is a highly evolved animal, and man's religion should be scientism. What these mean are that they believe that if man is a product of evolutionary chance, since he he has no creator, he is not responsible to any god. They also believe that if there is no right and wrong and no sin and no God to sin against, there is no punishment and no need to be saved from it.

Emily1890 said...

1. The current state of our world is that we are getting closer and closer to perfection, but we aren't we are actually declining as a race.

2. According to the philosophy theory we are headed toward perfection as a race. They say we keep getting more perfect. No, we're not because we look the same as everyone from a hundred and more years ago so that says we aren't so that proves that we aren't closer to perfection.

3. Worldview is a person's perspective of the world and what we believe in and about the world. As a Christian you would believe God created us, unlike a scientist who believes we were created by a evolutionary theory and believe there was no God.

4. Results of evolution are that you think you aren't accountable to God, you don't need a saviour, you believe we evolved from animals, and your religion is scientism.

BriannaJOhnson said...

I think that technology wise we are definitely improving as a whole. We are becoming more educated scientifically on the things of this world. However i think morally we are declining. Society accepts things things that 50 years ago would be considered an abomination.Morally and spiritually as time goes on we continue to stray further from God. In biblical times life was simple, people LIVED for God. People were ontent with what they had. However as technology improves things we become so caught up in the things of this world, God starts to get knocked down on our list of importance. I think morally the world was better off in biblical times. The world was not perfect back then and people still sinned. But as a whole people still respected God and put him first and their lives. If everyone did that collectively then that nation would have prospered greatly.

2. The Philosophy theory states that as a race we are headed towards perfection. In reality that is far from the truth. Yes, scientifically we are improving but at the cost of our morality. If we were headed towards perfection both our morality and further progression in technology would apply.

3. A worldview is the way someone sees the world. Someone's worldview dictates how they see the world. it infulences their every action. For instance someone with a Christian world view would know that pre-marital sex was wrong. However someone with a non- Christian worldview might not see anything wrong with it.

4. If somone had an evolutionary worldview they might draw the conclusions of: There is no God, and if there is no God there is no one to hold man accountable for his actions. Also man would have no Savior which means there is no right and no wrong then there is no sin. if there is no sin there is no way to sin against God.Thirdly if you believe in evolution you believe that man is a highly evolved animal.


Jeremy Wesson...? said...

tha state that our world is at, is that today more people are going to believe evolution.
the world today,our view of perfection is so distorted that we are nowhere close to heading to perfection.
worldview is an opinion on how people view the world today, and how they use to view the world.
the results of evolution would be:
a.) man is not responsilbe to god.
b.)Man no longer needs a savior.
c.)Man is highly evolved from an animal stare, saying we're equal to animals?....
d.)Mans religion is going to be scientism?

George said...

1. Right now I don't think that we are living our lives and running the earth as God expected us to. I think that when God said to have domminion over the earth he didn't mean to do it without him.

2. No, I don't think that we are headed twords perfection, I think that we are headed away from it. I think that there are too many people that are not saved and are sinners. If there more people that were saved and were christ followers then we would be headed in the right direction.

George said...

I submitted it before I finished, here are the other two answers.

3. A world view is a way that we view the world. There are many diffrent world views, we have been learning about the christian world view and non-christian world views, although there are many more. There are views of the world through other religions.

4. Evolutionary world views can result in people not believing in God or the bible. It can lead people to believe that the bible is not real, and they would end up never getting saved.

michael louder said...

1.The current state of the world right now is that things are getting worse and that were not proggresing. We are going downhill I think that there are less people staying true to their faith

2.I dont think we are headed to perfection because no one can be perefect except for god and jesus and people stil think that were still evolving. view is someones perspective of the world and how they see things and what they think about religion culture
and about the planet and peoples lives.

4.Things that can happen if people start believing in evolution is that there will be less christians in the world and people will just give up on life and think that we came from monkeys

AlliO said...

1. Our world is progressing downward from a Christian perspective. Moral decline is evident everywhere: TV, Internet, billboards, magazines, and literature, just to name a few. When compared to past eras, we noticed a complete turn in the way we think and what we think of.

2. According to evolutionary theory we are headed toward perfection. Invention wise, we see this. New things and new ideas pop up everywhere. But when you look at the quality of these ideas, we see a decline in the purity of these ideas. So it is subjective if our race is improving. But from my Christian standpoint and knowledge of truth, I say we are not improving.

3. A world view is the way a person sees and relates to the world and culture around them. Every person has a different world view because god created us all differently.

4. We don't have sure or consistent morals. With evolution, humans answer to no one and so we form our own morals. Everyone's opinion of what morals are most important to them is varied. This makes it hard to judge right from wrong and results in chaos. With a Christian world view, we see the objective moral laws and more easily discern right from wrong

christianwhitehead said...

1. The current state of our world today is definately getting worse. We our public schools which account for more than 3/4 of where every kid goes to school, teach no religion. People are learning also more and more about evolution because scientists stick it in their heads that this is the true answer to how we got here
2.No, we are the farthest thing from being a prefect race. People are still thinking that we came from a big explosion or evolved from chimps. There is not a chance with all the violence, language, and music that we are getting to close to being perfect. We're just getting worse.
3.Worldview is the belief system that someone uses to view the world around him and whats going on in it. My worldview is Christian based.
4.The conclusions that can result from evolutionary worldviews are that Jesus is not our Savior, man is not responsible to God, and that the human race is a highly evolved animal.

jordy said...

1.n 2008, half of the Earth’s population will live in urban areas, marking the first time in history that humans are an urban species. State of the World 2007: Our Urban Future examines changes in the ways cities are managed, built, and lived in that could tip the balance towards a healthier and more peaceful urban future.
3.Worldview is term for what is called Cognitive Culture. This is the mental organization in each individual's mind of how the world works. Expressions of commonality in individual worldviews make up the cultural worldview of the group. This leads to the social culture, the way people relate to one another in daily activities, and how they cooperate together for the good of the group as a whole, called the society.This means that every person has a culture in their head. This is what we call their worldview. There is a bit of difference with each individual. The culture in their head, however, includes the areas allowed to be different and those required to be the same or similar. The rigidness or flexibility of the social culture will be a part of that worldview in each member's head and part of the general worldview.
4.there will be Theory of cosmological beginnings, theory of biological evolution,and philosophy of evolution,

savanahfussell said...

1. The current state of the world today is chaos and sin because there are so many bad things in the world today like prostitution, war, and 20 different religions. The way things are going we are going to be in a way worse situation than we are in now.
2.I do not agree with the philosophy theory because we are not perfecting ourselves we are decreasing ourselves because the world is crazy. If we were perfecting ourselves there would be peace, no crime, and better education. We are decreasing not perfecting ourselves.
3.Worldview is the frame of reference that a person uses to interpret and understand the world around him. Worldview is your perspective of the world and the things in it.
4 The possible conclusions of evolutionary worldview is they believe we are not responsible to God, We don't need a savior because they think there is no right and wrong, man is a highly evolved animal instead of God creating us, and Man's religion should be based on science which they think is the only path of truth.

jordy said...

2. The philosophy of evolution suggests that all things are progressing toward a future perfection and that things are currently improving. This basic assumption helps the evolution justify his mission in science.

amy said...

1. Our world's current state, isn't good. people aren't learning the truth anymore. People don't think that God created us, but that we happened by a big bang or we came from monkeys, which both statements are false.
2. According to the philosophy theory we are heading towards perfection, and that everything in the world is currently improving. But in real life, I don't think that we can improve unless certain things change, starting with science.
3. Worldview is the frame of reference that a person uses to interpret and understand the world around him, it also includes their personal opinion and facts.
4. The Results from believing in evolution:
a. man no longer needs a Savior.
b. Man is not responsible to God
c. Man is a highly evolved animal.
d. Man's religion should be scientism.

Kayuhhlee ! :] said...

1. Our current state of the world is definetly not headed toward good. While we are advancing in science & technology our moralls are being lowered. America is the perfect example of that.
2. We are not heading toward perfection AT ALL! We are drifting from it.
3. The word worldview came from the German. It is educating ourselves on the world around us.
4.Believing in evolution results in making ourselves our own gods. We think we no longer need him & we know whats best for us.

sisco said...

1.the current state of our world today is that many of us have been driven away from God. With all of the new religions and theories such as evolution and scientology and many other theories. Our people who once were righteous holy peope have been driven away and brainwashed from all these scientist. along with thier theories that has no evidence of thier terms. It is our duty to stick to God and His word.

2.In my opinion we are not headed in a ace especialy to be perfect. no one can be perfect not even thier works. there is no race to become anything besides better people to our environments. We are far from being perfect, nd there is no race to perfection for our people.

3.Worldview is basically our peoples opinion on how the world is forming and changing today and in the near future A worldview describes a consistent and integral sense of existence and provides a framework for generating, sustaining, and applying knowledge.

4.many results can happen now and in the near future. results such as being away from God. Breaking His law that he created for us.terms and lies such as man evolving from animals. A false religion. scientism being the on true religion for all. basically destroying everything our gracious Creator provided and blessed us with.

natesagit!!!! said...

1. The state of the world today is for instence the state of our society is depressing. Theres a lot of things going on in the world that make some people just wonder if their going to survive crossing the street. We have come so far away from God laws that we are now just making our own. The economy is crashing and it’s a wonder we are still surviveing. But with Gods help we can fix it.

2. The philosophy theory is leading is leading to a perfection as a race because if people work together which I doubt they will do we might be lead by the right truth which is Gods Truth.
3. Worldwiew is a certain philosophy of life in the world. As a Christian, I think the world view revolves around good and evil. Worldview is the society we live in today.
4. The resuts in believing in evolution are eternal deth. You will be punished for believing in it. It is the the big bang theory, the belief in millions and millions of years, evolving from ape.

- pazia london

melissa said...

1. The current state of our world today is that people are not progressing and they still believe in evolution more and more everyday, but not the truth.
2. no because we are not headed towards perfection as a race because people still think that we evolve from monkeys and also they still dont believe in creationism.
3. world view is a frame and reference that a person uses to interpret and understand the world around him.
4. man is not responsible to God
man no longer needs a savior.
man is a highly evolved anumal
man's religion should be scientism

mike herrington said...

1.the state of our world today is is not reealy progressing as much as it use too like the economy is worst and other things too.
2.I Think that as our world continues that we get closer to perfection ,as new technology is relesed i believe tht we are geting closer to perfection but I still dont know that we ever will be perfect on earth.
3. The closest way that i can define the word world view it would be the way somebody views or how somebody thinks of the world.
the resualts of believing in evolution is not being able to beive you are going somewere wen you die,not having a relationship with the creator and also believing in a false religion.

DemetriusT said...

1. What is the current state of our world today?
Our world is in my opinion in a very bad situation. There is much more sin and false views in the world than ever before. I believe that if we don't change our ways as humans the economy of every country will deplete rapidly.

2. According to the philosophy theory are we headed towards perfection as a race?
If you think through a christian prospective then we truly are headed for perfection. In other words we are all striving to be more like Christ. Also if you believe like i do, when we die we will go to heaven and will be without sin.

3. Define worldview.
My definition of world view is the obvious definition. Worldview is how the world and its inhabitance think of our world. Everyones views are different.
4. Describe possible conclusions that can result from evolutionary worldviews.
We would need no god and we would pretty much have nothing to live for.

Kayuhhlee ! :] said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mathew said...

1.) Our world today is currently in a downfall towards the worst. Peoples morals are starting to change for the worst. People don’t want to have to tell someone they’re wrong. Basically people only care about themselves

2.) according to evolution we are progressing towards a future perfection we are not there yet but we are slowly evolving towards perfection due to adapting to our enviroment.

3.) worldview is the way you view the world.many people have their own ideal of worldview based on their belief system.many people believe it is right to not tell someone they are wrong because their belief is that there is no overall truth.

4.) The possible conclusions are that people will believe there is no God so they will not feel responsible to God or his laws only to earthly laws. It could also lead to people not believing in a need to be saved because they will not believe in God.